4 lithographs of plants, ca 1850



A lot of 4 chromolithograph of plants and flowers. Framed in a frame, ready to hang. 
"L. Stroobant ad nat. pinx. in Horto Verschaffelt" ie Stroobant (1814-1872) painted after nature in the garden of Verschaffelt (1825-1886). 
Imp. lith. de L Stroobant à Gand. A. Verschaffelt publ. Lithographic establishment of Stroobant at Ghent; published by A. Verschaffelt. 
4 lithographs:
- Chysis Limminghei
- Galeandia barbata
- Callistemon amoenus
- Richardia albo maculata
A lithograph also bears the name of Jean Jules Linden, a botanist in the 19th century. Such lithographs appeared also in the "L'Illustration horticole" a specialized botanical magazine. 
Dim. frame: 22*27 cm
Dim. passe partout: 16 * 23 cm

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