a fine selection of authentic objects

About us

A fine selection of unique decoration   

We meticulously search out and select the most stylish pieces of vintage furniture and accessories. The original splendor makes each one of our pieces unique. You may find just the right piece of furniture or accessory to fit into your living space. Unlike with most furniture pieces bought in a common interior store, it will most definitely bring a charm to your home.

'Het huis van mijn moeder' (translation: My mother's house) is a combination of a webshop and a real store in a renovated house from the 18th century.  If you would like to see some items, please contact us. You're welcome by appointment.

Antiques are green

One of basic strategies of the circular economy is to preserve and extend what’s already made. So, by reusing objets we can reduce our ecological footprint and help to protect our planet. 

On top of that, beautiful objects and art usually preserve their financial value over time. Imagine, at the same time, keep things for posterity and enjoy their beauty.


We support the cancer fund for children of 'UZ Leuven'.

Every year we donate 10% of our profit to a charitable organization. 

“Het Kinderkankerfonds Leuven zorgt voor de financiële middelen om kinderen met kanker en hun familie zinvol te begeleiden en te ondersteunen.”
More information: www.uzleuven.be/kinderkankerfonds

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